Magical Memories Learning's Classroom Home
Preschool - Magical Memories Learning Academy


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my class photo Welcome and here's is a little about Magical Memories Learning Academy. We are more than just a learning academy through Jesus Own Youth Church Inc. We are also an early intervention leader. We believe in evaluating, screenings, progress and growth monitoring each child, in case a child needs early intervention services. Our goal is to produce happy intelligent well-adjusted children. Here you will find a caring, nurturing, educational faith-based environment that supports your child. Our program is child-centered and based on the belief that play is the best way for children to learn. Our approach is individualized to meet each child's needs and interests. The environment is Christian based and planned to stimulate imagination, creativity, socialization, exploration, and discovery while challenging the use of all muscles important to developing healthy bodies. We always strive to achieve a healthy home-school relationship since it's vital to your child's success. These are some areas our curriculum focus: Review and application of letters and their sounds. Introduction, and practices with sight words. Phonological and Phonemic Awareness. Book and print awareness. Matching CVC words and beginning reading. Fine and Gross Motor skills. Numbers, counting, patterns, and intro to money. We also include intro to music where your child learns about the different musical notes, instruments and their sound. We recognize that each child has unique talents, personalities and learning styles and our highly qualified teaching staff is committed to working within your child's comfort zone to ensure optimal social, emotional, physical and educational development. Here our days are filled with fun learning and biblical truths


Our toddlers are offered a variety of opportunities to explore their world through play. During these years gross motor and social skills are being developed through both structured and unstructured play. Their days are filled with music, art, dance, story times and more.

HEAD START (Ages3-4)

Although it seems like fun and games to preschoolers the curriculum is packed with educational elements. Games, crafts, and activities abound that teaches pre-reading skills like phonemic awareness and letter & sound recognition. Basic Math Concepts Hands-on Science & Tech Exploration and so much more.


Mirroring the State Curriculum Standards Our PreK focus on Reading early, Writing, Basic Math, Foreign Language, Science & Technology, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Field Trips. Their day is filled with fun and learning.


School Age children are given a quiet environment for homework and projects with supervised access to computers as well as tutoring and homework assistance as needed. Also available to School-Agers are crafts, games, snacks and physical activities.

************ ABOUT EARLY INTERVENTION *************

Early warning signs of a learning disability

How can I tell if my child has a learning disability?

During the preschool and kindergarten years, children learn at different rates and with different styles. But if your child has significant trouble with numbers, letters, or speech, he may have a learning disability. Learning disabilities are a category of disorders that stem from how the brain processes information, making it difficult to grasp some concepts.

A child with a learning disability may understand a story perfectly when it is read to him but will struggle to answer questions about it afterward. Another child might easily recite the alphabet from A to Z but be unable to name individual letters when they're pointed out. Still another child may have a hard time putting together puzzles, tying his shoes, or buttoning a sweater.

Children with learning disabilities usually have normal or above normal intelligence, but they have trouble expressing their knowledge. Because it is so difficult for children with learning disabilities to master certain tasks, they often experience frustration, anger, low self-esteem, and even depression. Your child may know just what he wants to accomplish – to say or write or do – but getting there isn't a straight path.

"Information going in the eyes and ears is somehow not translated correctly. What comes out is not the correct answer," says Ron Liebman, a child psychiatrist in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. "We're talking about children with normal IQs."

What are the warning signs of a learning disability in children age 5 and under?

Learning disabilities are often grouped into three categories: speech or language disorders; problems with reading, writing, or math skills; and a range of other disorders such as problems with coordination, motor skills, or memory.

Sometimes it's clear that a child has one kind of disability, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia – disorders that impair reading and math abilities, respectively. But it's also common for children to have a combination of different disorders.

Attention deficit disorders are not by themselves learning disabilities. But children with learning disabilities frequently have attention problems, as well.

Red flags that could indicate a learning disability in children age 5 and under include:

Delayed speech

Pronunciation problems

Difficulty learning new words

Difficulty learning to read

Trouble learning numbers, the alphabet, days of the week, or colors and shapes

Poor concentration

Difficulty following directions

Poor grasp of a crayon or pen

Difficulty with buttoning, zipping, and tying

How can I have my child evaluated?

Diagnosing learning disabilities is controversial. Some experts believe they are over-diagnosed, a handy catchall for a host of normal differences in learning styles. Diagnosing learning disabilities in preschoolers and very young children is particularly controversial because they learn at such vastly different rates. According to Liebman, learning disabilities can't be firmly diagnosed until a child is in the third grade.

That doesn't mean you should ignore any concerns you have now. Early intervention can make a big difference in your child's academic future. If you're worried about your child's competence with reading, writing, numbers, or speech, talk about it with people who are familiar with your child, such as your child's teacher.

Teachers are usually adept at spotting the early warning signs of a learning disability. If your child's teacher hasn't already raised the issue with you, don't hesitate to bring up your concerns. Talk to your child's doctor, too.

Sometimes what you worry may be a learning disability is just a temporary setback that your child will outgrow. But it's best not to wait and see. You'll be doing your child a favor if you trust your instincts and talk to her teacher or doctor about getting an evaluation if her development seems off to you.

Your child will need a formal evaluation for learning disabilities – usually done by a child psychologist, neuropsychologist, neurodevelopmental pediatrician, or psychiatrist – to know for sure whether she has a problem. The evaluation is done in an office setting and takes a couple of hours. Your child will be asked to do various tasks using toys and educational materials.

Your public school district should be able to help arrange an evaluation. By law, every school district must have a procedure for identifying, assessing, and planning an educational program for kids with any kind of disability, including learning disabilities.

What we are learning today!
Week of April 15, thru April 19, 2024
A is for April Showers
Recipe Spring Time
Tissue Paper Flowers
Goldie Locks & The 3 Bears
Making Butterfly Cookies