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Pretzelwood SD
Salt Middle
962 Learning Dr.
Mytown, USA 45678
1-800-400-2000 (office)
ext. 23667 (voicemail)
Room #H27
sample3 [at] amazingclassroom.com

    Important Information    
Week of October 31st

Picture day - D-Day
Half day of school today

You are visitor #15,297
my photo Here is a little about myself. I graduated in May 2000 from Any college with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education.

This will be my tenth year teaching. I have taught Sixth grade, Third grade, and Fourth grade. I am married with a son. I love animals. I have three dogs, one cat, and two red-eared slider turtles.

I feel that teaching through technology is a MUST in today's world. Our room contains a Promethean Board, a LCD projector, an ACTIVslate, ACTIVpens, ACTIVwands, and ACTIVoters. I ask that all students treat my equipment as if it were their own!

Lastly, I always strive to achieve a healthy home-school relationship since it's vital to your child's success. Feel free to email me anytime at sample3@amazingclassroom.com if you have any questions about your child or their grades.

Try starfall.com or prometheanteacher.com for fun & educational games.