Thank you for visiting Since our site was designed by busy teachers,
our main goals are making classroom websites simple and saving teachers valuable time.
Below are some of the great features for members:
Change the entire look of your website with the click of a button.
Currently there are 17 template options available to our members. View
all the website templates here.
Select only the pages you want to display on your website. Choose from: Math, Science,
Social Studies, Reading & Vocabulary, Spelling, Homework, Class Rules, Class Photos, and Class Schedule.
NEW! Re-name any of these subject names to match the classes you teach.
Add 2 internet links per subject (optional). Give your students fun websites where they can
learn and play online. Simply paste your links into the related subject link boxes and they will show up on your website.
NEW! Unlimited links to outside websites! See below.
A great new feature of Amazing Classroom is automatic link formatting. For example, if you enter a website name
into your science text box (on your update page), the website name will automatically become a link to that website when
your science web page is viewed. For this feature to work, the website name must either: start with www. or http:// OR
end with .com, .net, .org, or .edu. Here's more about
our link formatting feature.
Upload 3 classroom photos and 1 photo of yourself to be displayed on your website (optional).
Also upload files such as .pdf or .doc for your students to download and view at home.
Simply copy/paste the link provided into one of your web pages.
Another great time saver is the ability to print a classroom newsletter. The newsletter is a single page printout
that is generated from the information you entered into your website.
View a sample newsletter.
If you are not displaying all the subject areas on your website, those areas will not display on
your newsletter either. Instead a blank text box will appear where you can type anything you like before printing.
Our math facts tests are now
included! This is one of our greatest time saving features for any elementary teacher who teaches math facts.
Simply enter your student names, their starting test levels, test settings (number of problems and time limit, if timed),
check the "Display math tests login" box, and print the student handouts. Students can then login directly through your
website (math page), and take their tests. Once a student scores 100% they automatically move to the next testing level.
Their scores are recorded in a simple chart for you to view or print. These tests are completely random and automatically
scored when the time limit is up so cheating is virtually impossible. The number of student logins
are also counted for you. Try a sample test.
Math Facts Tests Include:
- Addition - 1 through 12
- Subtraction - 1 through 12
- Multiplication - 1 through 12
- Division - 1 through 12
Our simple online gradebook is
now included! Students and/or parents may login directly through your
website to view their grades and comments at home. Simply select "Display Grading Login"
and your students will see the grading login box.
Other Gradebook Features Include:
- Add or delete students
- Add a comment for each student
- Add or delete assignments
- Enter scores for the assignments
- Choose to display letter grades (A B C D F) or percentage scores to your students
- Edit letter grade ranges (if used)
- Print student handouts with website login information
- View a missing assignment report to see who's missing what
- View final grade averages
Whiteboard resources are now included! For our members that use a Promethean ActivBoard™ or Smartboard™ we
offer a resource library full of files and resources for these boards. Check out
our whiteboard resource library.
Printable lessons are also available!
While we can not guarantee that your website will be up 100% of the time, we currently have an
awesome 99.95% uptime record.
Our website host is one of the best in the industry and gives us wonderful fast support.
Special thanks to the Rackspace Cloud.