Mrs. Clark's - Third Grade
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Classroom Home {2023-2024}

my class photo Hi, Everyone,

I can't believe we are almost at the end of our third grade journey! This week will be our last full week of academic instruction. We will only have homework in Bible and spelling this week. Be sure to check the Homework and Test tabs to see your child's assignments for this last full week.

The biggest reminder is that our State Diorama projects are due Monday, 5/13. Please be sure to get those in on time so that points aren't deducted.

Also, please remember that Tuesday, 5/14 is our day to recognize Mrs. Sharleen. If you would like to donate a card or treat to her gift basket, please send that in with your student.

Lastly, our biggest excitement this week will be our field trip to Theatre Winter Haven on Thursday, 5/16. Your student will need to wear the red field trip shirt on this day. We will return to school after the play to finish out a regular school day.

If you have questions regarding any of this information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a great week!

Important Information - Week of May 13

State Dioramas due
Celebrate Mrs. Sharleen Day
Field Trip to Theatre Winter Haven

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