Welcome to Mrs. Milov's Class!

my photo Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!! I am excited to be your child's 4th grade teacher. Just a bit about ME: My name is Kimberly (Kim) Milov. I have been teaching since 1987. I am married and have two wonderful sons. Jared completed college in 2017 and received a finance degree from Florida State University and Noah graduated from University of Florida in May and is about to enter law school at the University of Miami. I received my undergraduate degree in elementary education from the University of Florida and my masters degree in education from Nova University.

YES, we are certainly a HOUSE DIVIDED!!!

The best way to get in touch with me is email, ClassDojo, or leave a message in the front office.


https://www.browardschools.com/hawkesbluff (School web-site)

To report an absence:


On-Line School Payments:

https://osp.osmsinc.com/browardfl/ (Browardchools E-Store)




(Currently virtual...A good pair of earphones with a microphone would be awesome)

• 1 pair of ear buds for the computer (headphones)

• 2 packs of #2 pencils or mechanical medium point #2 lead

• 1 pack of colored pencils (12 or 24 pack)

• 1 pack of Crayola crayons (24 pack)

• 3 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper

• 4 hard plastic duo tang pocket folder with prongs (red, blue, green, and purple) Please do

not put names or labels on any of the folders

• 2 composition books

• 4 spirals (one–subject notebooks)

• 2 highlighters (yellow)

• 1 big clear glue sticks

• Intermediate sized scissors

• 1 box of low odor expo dry erase markers

• 1 ½ inch binder with plastic pockets inside (no zippers around the binder/no Trapper Keepers)

• 1 red pen or 1 colored pen to check work

• 1 zippered pencil pouch (no plastic containers)

• 1 box of soft tissues

• 1 package of plastic subject dividers with pockets (5 dividers are needed)

** Girls – 1 box of QUART Ziploc bags AND 1 bottle of Germ-X

** Boys – 1 box of GALLON Ziploc bags AND 1 package of wipes