Ms. Mullaney's - 3rd-6th grades
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Classroom Home {2023-2024}

my class photo Welcome to Ms. Mullaney's Creative Arts classes for the 2023-2024 school year!

Thank you to Fit Money for featuring me in their Teacher Spotlight! Here's the article - https://www.fitmone..r-upersquad-teacher

Thank you to Donor's Choose, friends and family, Panda Express, The Nevada Department of Education and Giving Tuesday for supporting my Creative Arts projects. You can read about them here.

1. Donors Choose - “Finding the Me in We ” - Ethnically diverse books to help students find their mirrors, windows and doors. - https://www.donorsc..erm=teacher_8177122

2. Donors Choose - “Finding the Me in We - A Musical Journey ” - https://www.donorsc..erm=teacher_8177122

3. Donor’s Choose - “Dragons, Drums and Dim Sum: a Lunar New Year Experience” - https://www.donorsc..hallengeid=21848538

Please check back for updates and announcements. Thank you for visiting my website!

Ms. Mullaney

2nd Semester - January 2-5, 2024

Music Monday
Tunes Tuesday
Creative Arts
Creative Arts
No classes for students

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Adapted from 'Hollywood' designed by ThistleGirl Designs     Teachers visit
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